Do pet parents usually pay attention to what food their dogs eat? Do you know that some common fruits are extremely poisonous to dogs? If you clicked on this article because your dog at home ate fruits and you are worried about what might happen, then the following is a list of fruits that dogs cannot eat. If a dog eats the following fruits, it must be taken to the vet urgently: Grapes and raisins. Avocado. Tomato. Persimmon. Walnuts, macadamia nuts. Fengyan fruit / Sterculia nobilis. Whole cherries (including seeds, stems and leaves). [Extended Reading] Can dogs eat chocolate? A comprehensive list of forbidden foods. A comprehensive list of fruits dogs can’t eat. If you want to know about fruits that dogs can’t eat or can eat, this article will tell pet parents: The list of fruits that dogs can eat/can’t eat. Important steps for feeding fruits to dogs. What should I do if a dog accidentally eats poisonous fruits? Then let’s continue reading! OPEN. Table of contents. Summary: A tabular organization of fruits dogs can’t eat/can eat. A comprehensive list of fruits dogs ‘can’t’ eat. Grapes and raisins. Avocado. Tomato. Persimmon. Nuts: Walnuts, macadamia nuts. Cherry. Fengyan fruit / Sterculia nobilis. A comprehensive list of fruits dogs ‘can’ eat. Guava (kiwi, orange). Asian pear (watermelon). Blueberry. Papaya. Peach. Important steps for feeding fruits to dogs. Feeding point 1: The skin and seeds must be removed before feeding, and avoid stems and leaves. Feeding point 2: The feeding frequency should not be too much. Feeding point 3: Pay attention to the coolness, coldness, dampness and heat of fruits. Feeding point 4: Feed fruits according to the dog’s age, dental condition and physical condition. What should I do if a dog accidentally eats poisonous fruits? How do veterinarians treat dogs that have eaten poisonous fruits? Common questions and answers about fruits dogs can’t eat. Summary: A tabular organization of fruits dogs can’t eat/can eat. Before starting this article, the pet park director has compiled a list of fruits that dogs can eat/can’t eat for pet parents. Pet parents can save the picture for convenient viewing and inspection in the future. Picture organization of the list of fruits dogs can’t eat and can eat. After reading this, pet parents must have a certain understanding of the fruits that dogs can eat and can’t eat. In the next chapter, we will focus on introducing the fruits that dogs can’t eat and the reasons why they can’t eat them. So let’s continue reading! A comprehensive list of fruits dogs ‘can’t’ eat. Below we will introduce in detail the ‘fruits that dogs can’t eat’. Don’t let dogs eat them! Grapes and raisins. Fruits dogs can’t eat: Grapes/raisins (?). Grapes are definitely the first fruit that pet parents should remember that dogs can’t eat. Dogs can’t even touch a little bit. A small amount of grapes or raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. In severe cases, it may lead to permanent kidney damage or even immediate death of the dog. Grapes are very toxic to dogs because they contain a high content of phosphorus, lithium ions. Grape seeds contain polyphenols. Lithium ions can affect nerve conduction function. Dogs cannot metabolize these substances, which in turn leads to liver and kidney function problems. Avocado. Fruits dogs can’t eat: Avocado (?). Dogs cannot eat avocados. Avocado contains ‘persin’ in its fruit, pit, peel and leaves, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Recent studies have continuously shown that avocados can help maintain good skin for cats and dogs. The amount of persin in the pulp is indeed relatively less, and even some pet foods contain avocado formulas.
【Further Reading】Key Points for Selecting Dog Food and Decoding Feeding Queries! However, it is advised that pet parents should not feed avocados to their dogs without caution. Feeding too much could cause gastrointestinal discomfort in dogs. The benefits that avocados provide can also be obtained from other fruits, hence direct feeding of avocados is not recommended. Tomatoes are considered a fruit that dogs should not eat: While the ripe flesh of tomatoes is safe for consumption, the stems and calyces contain solanine, a toxic substance to dogs. Ingestion can damage the nervous system, kidneys, and digestive tract, potentially leading to symptoms such as lethargy, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The dog caretaker states: Potatoes also contain solanine, so dogs should not be given dishes made from potatoes or raw potatoes. Therefore, if there are tomato plants nearby, keep dogs away as they often have the habit of eating roadside weeds. Persimmons are considered a fruit that dogs should not eat: Persimmons are safe for dogs, but their seeds can cause digestive issues, leading to intestinal obstruction, diarrhea, and fever. A small amount of persimmon can be fed to dogs, but it is important to remove the seeds and ensure the persimmon is ripe. Moreover, persimmons do not have significant nutritional value; feeding other more nutritious fruits or foods would provide more benefits and avoid the risk of dogs inadvertently ingesting seeds. Nuts: Walnuts, Macadamia nuts are considered a fruit that dogs should not eat: Walnuts can easily adhere to a specific type of black mold, which is highly toxic to canines, causing seizures. Even when stored in a dry environment, they can still be contaminated with fungi. (Source) Additionally, black walnuts are toxic to dogs, causing abnormalities in the nervous system or musculoskeletal system, leading to vomiting, and in severe cases, death. (Source) The dog caretaker says: According to foreign research, this black mold can cause harm to canines, pigs, horses, and sheep, but there are no poisoning cases in cats, perhaps because they have not been tested, so pet parents should not be too complacent. Macadamia nuts have a more pronounced toxicity to dogs, causing vomiting, weakness, fever, diarrhea, and lethargy. 【Recommendation: Do not feed dogs nuts】Nuts have little nutritional value for dogs, and there are generally alternative foods available. Overconsumption can lead to digestive obstacles, choking due to their hard and small size, and excessive intake of fats can lead to obesity or pancreatitis in dogs. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed dogs nuts! However, apart from walnuts and macadamia nuts, other nuts like almonds, peanuts, cashews, and pistachios are not toxic to dogs. If a dog accidentally eats one or two, and there are no abnormalities in the following days, there is no need for excessive worry, but long-term feeding is not advised. Cherries are considered a fruit that dogs should not eat: Dogs can eat cherries, but before feeding, it is necessary to remove the seeds (pits), stems, and calyces, as these parts contain trace amounts of cyanide. If the pits are not properly removed, they can also get stuck in the digestive tract, causing difficulty in breathing or intestinal obstruction. Overconsumption may also lead to cyanide poisoning in dogs, and cherries may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Nutrition from cherries is not essential for dogs, so it is not recommended to feed them cherries.
Jackfruit / Syzygium samarangense: Dogs should not eat Jackfruit / Syzygium samarangense. Urban pet parents may not be familiar with this fruit, which is primarily grown in the central and southern regions (south of Chiayi). The fruit has yellow flesh with a chestnut-like texture. It is toxic to both cats and dogs, and even a small amount can be fatal. The specific component causing toxicity has not been identified, but for the safety of your pets, if you travel to the central and southern areas with your pets or live in these regions, please avoid exposing your cats and dogs to Jackfruit. A Comprehensive List of Fruits Dogs Can Eat: After reviewing the fruits that are toxic to dogs, let’s look at the fruits that are safe for them. Guava (Kiwi, Tangerine): Dogs can eat fruits such as Guava, Kiwi, and Tangerine. Guava is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and K. Dogs can consume Guava in moderate amounts to enhance metabolism, maintain eye and bone health, combat aging, prevent cancer, and boost immunity. Additionally, Guava is an excellent source of fiber, which can help prevent constipation in dogs. Dr. Mao says: Kiwi and Tangerine, which also contain Vitamin C, are safe for dogs. However, remember to remove the skin and seeds, and try to cut them into small pieces or puree them before feeding to your pets! **Feeding Tips**: Cut into small pieces or puree. Remove seeds, cores, stems, and leaves to prevent choking. Because these three fruits are high in sugar, avoid overfeeding to prevent obesity. Feed once or twice a week, with a portion size of 1/2 to 3/4. Pear (Watermelon): Dogs can eat Pears. Pears are healthy fruits with high water content and lower sugar levels, making them safe for dogs. Pears are an excellent choice for dogs, rich in copper, Vitamin C and K, and fiber, which can prevent constipation. Eating pears can also reduce the risk of stroke in older dogs by 50%. Dr. Mao says: Watermelon, another fruit with high water content and low sugar, should also be deseeded and peeled before feeding to your pets! However, note that the cores, seeds, stems, and leaves contain trace amounts of cyanide, so dogs can easily become poisoned if they ingest these parts. Remember to remove these parts before feeding them to your dogs! **Feeding Tips**: Cut into small pieces or puree to avoid choking. Remove seeds, cores, stems, and leaves to prevent cyanide poisoning. Blueberries: Dogs can eat Blueberries. Blueberries have low calories and are rich in Vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, which can combat free radicals and reduce the impact of brain aging. Therefore, feeding blueberries to older dogs is a good choice and can help prevent obesity. **Feeding Tips**: You can feed blueberries directly to your dogs. Because blueberries are small, pay special attention to the risk of choking in small dogs. Rinse the skin thoroughly to remove any pesticide residue. Observe your dog closely after the first feeding to check for any allergic reactions. Papaya: Dogs can eat Papaya. Papaya is non-toxic to dogs and is rich in fiber, Vitamin A, C, and K, as well as plant nutrients such as papain, lycopene, and lutein, which help maintain your dog’s immunity and eye health.
Papaya has a high fiber content, which can easily cause diarrhea in dogs if consumed in excess. Additionally, its high sugar content can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease if dogs consume too much. **Feeding Tips**: Dogs should not eat seeds and leaves, as they can cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Avoid feeding these parts. Dogs can eat papaya skin, but not in large quantities. Feed a small amount and observe the dog’s reaction. Avoid feeding fruit juices, as they do not fully absorb the nutrients of papaya. Peaches as Dog-Friendly Fruits: Peaches are one of the fruits that dogs can eat. They are rich in vitamins A, C, and fiber, serving as sources of antioxidants that help combat cancer and strengthen the immune system, as well as improve liver and kidney function. However, consuming too many can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort and temporary diarrhea. Before feeding, ensure to clean the skin thoroughly and remove the pit, as it contains amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside, which can cause cyanide poisoning if consumed in excess. The stem and leaves also contain cyanide and should be avoided to prevent accidental ingestion! **Feeding Tips**: Dogs should not eat peach pits and stem leaves, as they can lead to cyanide poisoning. Clean the skin thoroughly and cut into small pieces. Important Steps for Feeding Dogs Fruit: There are some important steps and principles to follow when feeding dogs fruits. Feeding Key Point 1: Always remove skin and seeds before feeding, avoiding stems and leaves. Most fruits contain small amounts of cyanide in their seeds, skin, and stems, which should be avoided for dogs. Humans can effectively eliminate these, but dogs’ gastrointestinal systems cannot digest them like humans, potentially damaging the kidneys or liver. Therefore, removing skin and seeds and avoiding stem and leaf feeding is a crucial principle. Feeding Key Point 2: Limit the frequency of feeding fruits. Feeding dogs fruits should not be excessive, as fruits bring more calories and sugar. Excessive sugar can easily lead to diabetes and hypertension. Too sweet fruits are a heavy burden for dogs, and daily feeding may cause diarrhea. It is recommended to feed 1-2 times a week, with a portion size of 1/2 to 3/4. Pay attention to not feed too frequently and ensure they are not fruits that dogs should avoid. Feeding Key Point 3: Be mindful of the fruit’s cool and damp-heat properties. Fruits inherently have cool and damp-heat properties. For example, watermelon and pears are cool fruits, and feeding too much can easily cause diarrhea. If the fruits are damp-heat, like mangoes, cherries, peaches… etc., avoid overfeeding as well. However, tangerines, papayas, and pineapples are moderate fruits that can be fed to dogs normally. The most important thing is to feed according to the dog’s physical condition and not feed the same type of fruit too often. Feeding Key Point 4: Adapt to the dog’s age, mouth size, and physical condition. Before feeding dogs fruits, it is necessary to first understand the physical condition of your own dog, such as large or small breed, age, and mouth size. Avoid feeding too many fruits, or because the mouth is too small, causing discomfort when biting or choking. What to do if a dog accidentally eats toxic fruit? If you suspect your dog has eaten a toxic fruit, do not wait for symptoms to appear. Seek immediate medical attention.
If you are uncertain about what your dog has ingested, and they exhibit the following symptoms, it is highly likely that they have consumed a fruit toxic to dogs and require immediate medical attention: Gastrointestinal conditions: constipation or diarrhea, even bloody stools. Mental state: lethargy or extreme excitement. Physical abnormalities: hunched posture, convulsions, vomiting. How do veterinarians treat dogs who have eaten toxic fruits? Veterinarians typically employ the following emergency medical treatments: Administering activated charcoal to absorb any remaining toxins in the stomach. Inducing vomiting through medication or other means. Injecting antidotes to alleviate the dog’s discomfort. Performing emergency surgery to remove toxic fruits from the dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Conducting X-rays to confirm if the dog’s internal organs have been affected. If medical attention is sought promptly, dogs can receive adequate care and fully recover. Therefore, if you suspect your dog has consumed toxic fruits, do not delay in seeking medical help. Common questions about fruits dogs should not eat include: What fruits are toxic to dogs? There are many fruits that dogs should not eat, such as: 1. Grapes and raisins 2. Avocados 3. Tomatoes 4. Persimmons 5. Walnuts, macadamia nuts 6. Cherries 7. Longan/Lychee If your dog accidentally ingests these, do not take it lightly; take your dog to the vet immediately! What fruits can dogs eat? There are quite a few fruits that dogs can safely consume. It is recommended that dog owners feed their pets the following fruits that have been proven safe for dogs: 1. Guava 2. Kiwi 3. Oranges 4. Pears 5. Blueberries 6. Papaya 7. Peaches 8. Watermelon Are fruits healthy for dogs? Dogs can benefit from fruits as a source of additional nutrition, but meat and dog food should remain their primary diet. Dogs enjoy the sweet taste of fruits, but fruits with high sugar content can lead to weight gain, so dog owners should avoid overfeeding! Fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber, which can help boost a dog’s immune system and promote gastrointestinal motility. However, dog owners must also remember which fruits are toxic to dogs to prevent poisoning. Limited-time experience pack for only 50 yuan, including free shipping coupon, click to use. For more information, see PetDaddy’s latest articles: ‘Cat Posture Meanings’ – Understand 18 Feline Body Languages in 3 Seconds, dated 2023-02-03 ‘What to Do When Cats Fight’ – Preventing Cat Fights + Essential Guide for Multi-Cat Households, dated 2023-01-26 Essential Items for New Dog Owners – 7 Necessities for Dog Care and Knowledge, dated 2023-01-23 ‘What to Do About Cats That Keep Meowing’ – 3 Minutes to Understand the Reasons and Solutions for Cats Meowing, dated 2023-01-08 ‘Foods Cats Can Eat’ – 20 Human Foods That Can Also Supplement Cats’ Diets for Longer Life, dated 2022-12-24 Thank you for watching. If you find the articles by PetDaddy very useful, you can click the share button below to share on LINE, FB with anyone in need of information. You are also welcome to join the Pet Owners’ LINE discussion community to discuss pet care with 670 other pet parents.