Lavender Oil Safety and Usage for Dogs

Essential oils are powerful healing tools, but some can be dangerous for dogs. Lavender oil is safe for dogs when used with care. Today, we will discuss how lavender oil can benefit your dog and the correct way to use it.

**Is Lavender Safe for Dogs?**

Lavender oil can be safe for dogs, but it’s crucial to use it correctly. Before using lavender oil on your dog, consult with your holistic vet. They can guide you on the right oil and its application. Always inform your vet about any natural products, including essential oils, you use for your dog to avoid interactions with other supplements.

**Dilute the Oil for Topical Use**

While humans can use lavender oil undiluted on non-sensitive skin, it’s best to dilute it for dogs due to their heightened sense of smell. For topical application, mix lavender oil with a carrier oil. Recommended carriers include almond oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, and apricot kernel oil. Kristen Leigh Bell, a Certified Master Aromatherapist, suggests a ratio of 10 drops of essential oil to ½ oz of carrier oil.

**Use the Right Application Method**

Avoid letting your dog ingest lavender oil, as it can cause sickness. Instead, use the following methods: direct inhalation (by wafting the bottle under their nose or applying the oil to their collar or bed), diffusion (misting sprays or hydrosols for topical or environmental use), and topical application. Keep essential oil bottles and mixtures out of your dog’s reach to minimize ingestion risks.

**Let Your Dog Tell You What He Thinks**

When using essential oils, provide your dog with an escape route. Allow them to leave if they feel uncomfortable. Before applying any oil, let your dog smell it to gauge their reaction. Signs of dislike include turning away, panting, whining, or rubbing their face on the carpet. If your dog shows any of these signs, consider an alternative solution.

**Start Small**

When introducing lavender oil to your dog, begin with a small amount to monitor their response and ensure their comfort and safety.

Watch your dog to see how he and his body react. If there are any adverse side effects, allergic reactions or signs of discomfort, consider a new solution.

Allergic reactions to lavender pollen and essential oil are rare but it’s something you need to be aware of. When starting out with any essential oil, start small and watch for signs that it isn’t a good match for your dog. Here are some things you’ll want to watch out for: Rash where you applied oil, Itchy skin, Hives, Sneezing, Runny Nose, Red eyes. If you see any of these symptoms, you’ll want to stop using the oil.

Lavender oil also doesn’t contain any antioxidants which means it may oxidize once opened, even if the cap is on. If you use oxidized oil, it can cause an allergic response. To prevent this, buy high quality oil and do not use it after it has been sitting for long periods of time.

When selecting a lavender oil, choose a high-quality oil from a reputable company. This will help you avoid oils with contaminants and adulterants, additives which can cause adverse side effects or be less effective. Like Lavender 40/42 essential oil, this is often a blend with other oils or synthetic linalyl acetate.

To find out if an oil is of high quality, reach out to the company. A company with a good product will be happy to answer any questions you may have. And they will provide a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) test when requested. This test will help you determine the purity of the oil.

Other things to look for include dark amber or blue glass bottles, Latin names on the label (Lavandula for lavender), lot and batch numbers, and pricing that fits the oil (if the price is too good to be true, it probably is).

There’s no regulatory system in place for essential oils. If you’re new to essential oils or have some doubt about what to use, consult an aromatherapy expert or holistic practitioner.

Lavender essential oil is a versatile oil with many uses for your dog. Bug Repellent: Lavender acts as a deterrent for insects and pests. It will help keep away the fleas, ticks and mosquitos. Homemade Mosquito and Tick Repellent: 8 ounces carrier oil, 5 drops Lavender, 10 drops Geranium, 5 drops Carrot, 8 drops Patchouli, 3 drops Rosemary (optional), 6 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Lemongrass, 5 drops Peppermint, 10 drops Myrrh. Instructions: Mix the ingredients together in your glass spray bottle. Shake well before applying. Spray your dog, taking care not to spray his eyes. Pay close attention to the ears, belly and underarm.

Itchy Skin: If your dog does happen to get bit or develops itchy, swollen red skin for other reasons (like allergies), lavender can help soothe your dog’s skin. This is because lavender is a natural anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, pain reliever and antibacterial. Recipe For Itchy Skin: 10 drops of lavender oil, 1 oz of apricot or almond oil. Instructions: Massage the mixture onto your dog’s affected area.

Lavender oil is a versatile remedy for various dog health issues. Its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties make it effective for joint pain. Use the same recipe as for itchy skin: apply a diluted mixture of lavender oil and carrier oil to the affected area.

Lavender oil can also soothe inflammation associated with burns. Following Kristen Leigh Bell’s recommendation, add 10 drops of lavender essential oil to ½ oz of carrier oil and apply to the burn.

This oil has soothing effects that can calm anxiety and reduce stress in dogs. A study observed that lavender oil can calm dogs during travel and reduce excitement. It can also ease sound sensitivity, general anxiety, and separation anxiety. To reduce anxiety and ease depression, place a few drops on a piece of cardboard near your dog’s bed or carrier. Alternatively, use the calming spray recipe: 2 oz carrier oil, 2 tsp red turkey oil (sulfated castor oil), 5 oz distilled water, 3 drops of lavender essential oil, and 3 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil in a 12 oz spray bottle. Mix the oils, shake, and spray a light mist over your dog during stressful times.

Motion sickness in dogs can be managed with lavender oil. It can reduce excessive drooling, heavy breathing, and nausea associated with car travel. Use the calming spray recipe or diluted lavender oil (10 drops to ½ oz of carrier oil) to help your dog.

Lavender oil’s calming effects are beneficial when conditioning your dog to a new space. Spray the calming spray in the area before introducing your dog, or apply a small amount of diluted oil to his collar or bandana.

Lavender oil components that relieve anxiety also make it an excellent sleep aid. Use diluted oil or the calming spray on your dog’s bed to improve his sleep.

For a fresh and clean coat, lavender oil can deodorize and refresh your dog. Try making a shampoo with 2 drops of lavender essential oil, 1 tbsp Castile soap, 2 drops peppermint essential oil, 350 ml of water, and 2 drops eucalyptus essential oil. Mix the oils into the soap, add water, and shake the bottle each time you use it.

When it comes to bathing your dog, ensure you lather well and rinse thoroughly. However, be cautious as excessive bathing can strip away the natural oils and beneficial bacteria from your dog’s skin.

To maintain your dog’s hygiene between baths, consider using a homemade deodorizing spray. Here’s how to make it:

Deodorizing Spray Recipe:

– Spray bottle: 1/2 oz

– Castile soap: 1/2 oz

– Distilled water: 4 oz

– White vinegar: 1/2 oz

– Himalayan salt: a pinch

– Lavender essential oil: 4 drops


1. Mix soap and essential oils

2. Mix vinegar and salt

3. Pour into an 8-ounce spray bottle

4. Add distilled water or filtered water

5. Cap and shake

6. Cover your dog’s face and eyes and spray on his coat to eliminate doggy odor.

RELATED: Easy And Safe DIY Essential Oil Recipes For Dogs

Is Lavender Safe For Dogs? When used correctly, lavender oil can be an effective tool. It is a versatile oil that can assist with various issues your dog may face. Always use diluted lavender essential oil for your dog. Monitor your dog’s reactions and consult an expert if unsure. This way, you can keep your dog safe while providing the comfort he needs to enjoy every day.

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