Complete Guide to Cat Neutering Process: When to Neuter, Pre and Post-Surgical Care, Costs, and Analysis of Pros and Cons

According to current animal protection laws, domestic cats must be neutered, and many loving pet parents regularly help stray cats with this procedure, highlighting the importance of neutering. However, cat parents may encounter several questions, such as: when should I take my cat for neutering, what to pay attention to before and after the surgery, how much does the procedure cost, and will it affect my cat… In this article, the author will thoroughly explain the neutering process, the pros and cons of cat neutering, and why cats need to be neutered. This article will inform cat parents: what is a neutering surgery? What does the surgery involve? The pros and cons of cat neutering, the pros and cons of not neutering, the optimal age for cat neutering (when is it better to neuter), how much should I prepare for the neutering cost, and how to apply for sterilization subsidies? What happens if a cat is not neutered? How to care for a cat before and after surgery? Fun fact: Why should cats be neutered? Neutering can reduce some gynecological and male reproductive system diseases and also help reduce the reproduction of stray cats. According to Pawsome data, 6.5 million pets enter shelters for placement each year, with cats accounting for 47%, and at least 700,000 cats are euthanized. So, not only for health reasons but also to prevent further misfortune from happening to unborn lives, neutering is a very important action. OPEN article table of contents What is a neutering surgery? What does the surgery involve? The pros and cons of cat sterilization and neutering The pros of cat sterilization and neutering The cons of cat sterilization and neutering When should a cat be neutered? When is it better to neuter? Can cats be neutered during estrus? How much does a cat neutering surgery cost? Can cats avoid being neutered? What happens to cats if they are not neutered? Are there government subsidies for cat sterilization? How to apply? Pre and post-neutering considerations Things to note before neutering Things to note after neutering Summary of common questions What is a neutering surgery? What does the surgery involve? Sterilization surgery (also known as neutering surgery) involves the removal of ovaries and uterus in female cats or just the ovaries, and the removal of testicles in male cats. Strictly speaking, neutering surgery and sterilization surgery for cats are different. The difference lies in that neutering surgery (blocking the fallopian tubes or vas deferens) is reversible, while sterilization surgery, which removes the entire reproductive system, is irreversible. The author says: If you are unsure which type of neutering surgery to choose for your cat, or if you are hesitant about neutering, you can consult several professional veterinarians to make a decision. Sterilization surgery has many benefits, such as reducing the pain of cats during estrus and subsequent gynecological and reproductive system disease issues; however, it can also have some negative effects on the pet, such as bone problems and an increased chance of tumors. Neutering involves removing the internal reproductive organs to prevent certain diseases, but it can also have certain effects on the pet, which may cause concern for cat parents. In the following sections, the author will list the pros and cons of cat neutering and sterilization for cat parents to analyze. Cat parents can first gain a preliminary understanding of cat neutering in this article and then consult professional doctors to make the most suitable decision for their pet! In some cases, it is recommended that cat parents take their cats for sterilization as soon as possible, such as when cats are kept outdoors, have cryptorchidism, ovarian diseases, or a family history of related diseases, then sterilization is recommended! Have questions about cat sterilization and neutering? Watch this complete guide to understand the pros and cons of cat neutering and surgery-related matters! The pros and cons of cat neutering Neutering has certain pros and cons, and here are just a few points. If you want to discuss more closely with your own cat’s situation, cat parents can discuss more with veterinarians! The pros of cat neutering Stop cats from crying during estrus: Cats are prone to estrus during the transition from spring to summer, and the crying during estrus is something that cat parents have probably heard of. In fact, estrus is a torment for cats. The time without successful mating can make cats agitated and extremely uncomfortable, and it is even possible for cats in heat to jump into ponds and drown.
【Further Reading】Analysis of Various Cat Meows! Preventing Pregnancy Risks in Female Cats: Pregnancy poses certain risks to cats, significantly increasing the chances of infections in organs such as the uterus, ovaries, and mammary glands. Moreover, it is illegal for domestic cats to conceive and give birth without permission. Sterilization can reduce the risk of gynecological infections in female cats. Reducing Male Cats’ Roaming Behavior During Heat: Male cats exhibit roaming behavior during heat, leading to many domestic cats getting lost. This is often due to their inability to control their restlessness and impulsiveness during this period, which can result in them running onto roads and getting hit by cars, or developing bad tempers and urinating indiscriminately. Sterilization can greatly improve these behaviors. Sterilization Can Prevent Diseases: If female cats are sterilized before their first heat, the likelihood of developing mammary or ovarian cancer significantly decreases, and it also eliminates the risk of male cats developing testicular cancer. Heat is a painful process for both male and female cats. If you love your cat, you should carefully consider the decision to sterilize and neuter. Disadvantages of Cat Sterilization Due to Hormonal Imbalance: Cats may easily gain weight after neutering due to changes in metabolism and hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a veterinarian about recommended nutritional intake and adjust the menu based on the cat’s physical condition to prevent obesity. 【Further Reading】How to Determine if Your Cat or Dog is Overweight and How to Help Them Lose Weight? Surgical Risks: Neutering is a minor surgery, but due to the need for general anesthesia and potential underlying diseases that could cause clotting difficulties in cats, it is recommended to perform a complete blood test and discuss with a veterinarian before surgery to minimize surgical risks. Poorer Development (Bone / Muscle Issues): Cats that have not been influenced by sexual hormones may experience some developmental impacts, but they will generally remain healthy individuals. If pet parents have concerns, they can consult with professionals. Some people may think that sterilizing cats is cruel, but allowing cats to go into heat is a form of torture for them. Cat mating does not involve pleasure, and the male cat’s sexual organs have barbs, which can cause pain for the female cat during mating. After mating, they often want to bite the male cat, who then takes the opportunity to escape. There are certain advantages and disadvantages to cat neutering, but there are reasons for the mandatory neutering regulations in animal protection laws, including the expectation to reduce the number of stray cats, male cats’ aggressive behavior during heat, and related pet sale issues. In terms of health, cat neutering can also prevent discomfort during heat and reproductive system diseases, but it will also sacrifice some secretion conditions. Therefore, pet parents can gain more understanding before making a decision. When is the right time for cat neutering? At what age should neutering be done? The timing for cat sterilization can be based on the period of sexual maturity, divided into before and after heat, but mainly it depends on the cat’s breed and physical condition, and there is no strict requirement for a specific timing for the surgery. Currently, it is most recommended to perform the surgery on female cats before their first heat (before 5 months) to prevent accidental pregnancy and reduce the risk of breast cancer, while male cats, although prone to indiscriminate urination during their first heat, are advised to undergo surgery after the age of one year due to the risk of urinary tract problems if neutered too early. The differences between neutering before and after heat can be read in detail below! Before Heat (Sexual Maturity): Around 4-6 months, the surgery is easier to perform, recovery is faster, the risk of mammary tumors in female cats is reduced, early pregnancy is avoided, and development is slightly different from cats neutered at a later age. Conclusion: It is recommended to neuter female cats ‘before heat’.
Some cat breeds are recommended to be spayed or neutered after reaching sexual maturity (around 7 to 10 months), such as Maine Coons or Siamese cats. This is because incomplete bone development can lead to a rare disease called Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE), which is more likely to occur in these two breeds. After reaching sexual maturity (around 10 to 12 months), surgery and anesthesia will be relatively more difficult to perform. Cats will be more fully developed, and their skeletal muscles will be healthier. However, there is a risk of pregnancy. In conclusion, it is recommended that male cats be neutered after reaching sexual maturity. Whether to spay or neuter a cat before or after sexual maturity can be determined based on the diagnosis of a professional veterinarian and can help cat parents make a decision. But one thing is very important. Can a cat be spayed or neutered during estrus? Generally, it is not recommended to spay or neuter a cat during estrus because the uterus and ovaries may be congested, leading to continuous bleeding from the wound. But a cat can actually be spayed or neutered during estrus. It just requires special attention to post-operative care. However, it is recommended that cat parents have a simple evaluation with a veterinarian before deciding whether to spay or neuter during estrus. How much does a cat spaying or neutering surgery cost? In addition to the cost of the spaying or neutering surgery, the cost of pre-operative examinations and other vaccines will also be taken into consideration. The possible costs are as follows: Cost Item Cost Analysis Spaying or neutering surgery (including anesthesia) For male cats, about 1,500 to 2,800 yuan; for female cats, about 2,500 to 3,500 yuan. Note: The cost may vary depending on the anesthesia method. Some hospitals also charge according to the weight. Cat parents should ask clearly about the anesthesia cost calculation method! Blood test About 1,000 to 2,000 yuan. Note: The blood test is to confirm in advance whether the cat has other related diseases that may cause anesthesia failure (possibly leading to death) or difficulty in post-operative healing. Therefore, it is recommended that cat parents not skimp on expenses and conduct a pre-operative blood test for more security. Usually, veterinarians will also recommend having a blood test before surgery. The above table lists approximate costs. The detailed costs may vary depending on the cat’s condition. It is recommended that cat parents take their cats to the hospital for actual testing for more peace of mind. [Extended Reading] List of 24-hour animal hospitals in Taiwan, and a summary of precautions before going to an animal hospital! Cat spaying and neutering surgeries vary depending on gender, whether a blood test is conducted, physical condition, etc. It is recommended that cat parents actually go to an animal hospital and ask clearly. Can a cat not be spayed or neutered? What will happen if a cat is not spayed or neutered? The current Animal Protection Law stipulates that pets must be spayed or neutered (source). If you do not want to neuter your pet, you must apply for an exemption (exemption application process). Violating this provision of the Animal Protection Law can result in a fine of between 50,000 and 250,000 New Taiwan dollars. Special attention is needed. The director said: The application for pet exemption from neutering needs to be applied according to the county or city where the cat parents are located. You can inquire at the animal protection department of each county or city. Although spaying and neutering have advantages and disadvantages, it is usually still recommended that cat parents spay or neuter their cats. Because if a cat is not spayed or neutered, it is easy to have the following conditions: During estrus, a cat is easily irritable and angry and may also howl. An unneutered cat is likely to have a territorial concept and be more aggressive towards other animals.
Multi-cat households are prone to accidental pregnancies or fights. Male cats are easily agitated, impulsive, and urinate everywhere. The probability of escaping to find a mate will increase, and it may even lead to traffic accidents. The probability of getting cancer and falling ill will greatly increase. Unneutered male cats will always want to escape and find a mate. Living in an apartment building will increase the risk of falling. If in the countryside, they are easily lost or cause traffic accidents. In terms of diseases, unneutered female cats are prone to pyometra and increase the probability of ovarian and uterine tumors/cancer. Male cats are prone to urinary tract problems, testicular cancer, and prostate cancer. Unneutered cats are prone to related problems such as irritability, restlessness, and diseases. Is there a government subsidy for cat sterilization? How to apply? Sterilization surgery is actually a considerable expense. To reduce the burden on pet parents, various county and city governments have launched sterilization subsidy programs. The subsidy prices range from 600 yuan to 1,500 yuan, but the application methods are similar. If you want to know the detailed application methods, you can check the official website of the animal protection department of each county and city. Here, taking the application for sterilization subsidy in ‘Taipei City’ as an example, we demonstrate the process for pet parents: Application conditions and qualifications: The pet owner is registered in the city and has completed pet registration (implanting a microchip) for their pet. The pet has completed rabies vaccination (valid within one year). The pet has completed sterilization surgery (sterilization surgery must be performed in the current year). Application deadline: After the animal has undergone surgery, apply before December 20 of the same year (or before the funds are exhausted). Applications submitted after the deadline or when the funds are exhausted will be returned and not accepted. (Based on the postmark date or the date when the animal protection department receives the document). Some counties and cities require applications to be submitted within 14 days to be accepted. Application process: The pet owner should take the pet to complete sterilization surgery and fill out the application form (downloaded from the official website by oneself). Send/apply in person/online application (Taipei Citizen Service Platform) to the Taipei Animal Protection Department. After approval, the subsidy (800 yuan for male dogs and cats/1500 yuan for female dogs and cats in Taipei City) will be remitted to the account under the name of the pet owner within 30 days. After completion, a notification letter will be sent to inform the pet owner. Since sterilization subsidies usually adopt a ‘first-come, first-served’ scheme, pet parents should act quickly if they want to sterilize their furry babies! Some animal protection departments will announce when the funds are almost exhausted, but pet parents should also pay more attention to the application date. Precautions before and after neutering Cats need attention and care before and after neutering. Let’s quickly see what matters need attention! Precautions before neutering: 1. Pre-operative examination/blood test Before the operation, a professional veterinarian will definitely conduct a complete physical examination (such as: interrogation, palpation, auscultation, body temperature, feces, etc.) and a blood test for the cat to ensure that there will be no problems during the operation and anesthesia. If the veterinary hospital does not have this service, it is recommended that pet parents not go there and go to another hospital for neutering. 2. X-ray or other imaging examinations If the cat has had other conditions before, the veterinarian may recommend different imaging examinations to ensure the smooth progress of the operation, such as: X-ray, ultrasound, etc. 3. Pre-operative fasting Almost all surgeries require fasting before the operation. The fasting time is usually 8 to 12 hours. This is to ensure that when vomiting unconsciously, the vomit will not enter the trachea and cause inhalation disorders (difficult breathing) and suffocation.
Before cat spaying and neutering, many matters need attention. Confirm whether the veterinarian has detailed and complete examinations. Post-spaying and neutering precautions: 1. Temporarily restrict the cat’s movement/Observe the wound. After the anesthetic wears off, the cat may be agitated or twist its body due to discomfort. It is recommended to keep the cat in a cage to temporarily restrict its movement. However, if the cat wants to walk and is in good spirits, let the cat try to move on its own. But the cat parents need to always pay attention to the wound condition to avoid excessive running or jumping. The wound must be kept dry and the environment clean. When changing dressings every day, pay attention to whether there is any discharge. If the discharge is yellow or green, it indicates infection and the cat needs to be taken to the doctor for a follow-up visit. The garden director said: If it is necessary to go out, artificial skin or clean gauze can be pasted on the wound to prevent the wound from being infected by contacting foreign objects. 2. Put on an Elizabethan collar to prevent the cat from licking the wound. The cat needs to wear an Elizabethan collar to prevent licking and biting the wound. The cat parents also need to always pay attention to the cat’s daily activities, such as whether eating and using the litter box will be affected by the collar. 3. Pay attention to the cat’s diet during the recovery period. If the cat has a poor appetite on the day of the surgery, don’t worry too much. But if the cat doesn’t eat for several days, a follow-up visit is needed immediately. The diet can remain the same, but some iron-rich foods can also be supplemented. Health supplements can also be appropriately supplemented. But never give overly greasy foods to avoid making the cat’s stomach uncomfortable. 4. Take medicine/change dressings on time is very important. If the doctor has instructed the frequency of dressing changes, it must be strictly followed. The same goes for oral medication instructions. Never feed intermittently. If there are questions about medication, consult the doctor. 5. In multi-pet families, isolation must be done well. In multi-pet families, isolation must be done well to prevent other pets from licking the cat’s wound and causing secondary infection. Summary: Cat sterilization is a very important decision. The garden director hopes to help cat parents understand ‘cat spaying and neutering’, so a lot of information has been sorted out, hoping to help cat parents better understand sterilization. This article provides a complete explanation: What is cat spaying and neutering surgery? What are the contents? Advantages and disadvantages of spaying and neutering surgery. At what age is it better for cats to be spayed and neutered? How much is the surgery cost and how to apply for sterilization subsidies? If you don’t want your cat to be spayed and neutered, how to apply? Pre- and post-operative precautions. Sterilization has both disadvantages and advantages. I believe cat parents don’t want to see their furry babies suffer. If it’s really difficult to make a decision, consulting a professional veterinarian is a good way. The garden director said: Cats can still be spayed and neutered even if they miss the spaying and neutering period. No matter whether they have missed the appropriate age for spaying and neutering, they can ask the veterinarian about sterilization/spaying and neutering matters. Whether or not they finally decide to spay and neuter, I believe cat parents will feel much more at ease after doing their sterilization homework. Common questions: What is cat spaying and neutering? Sterilization surgery (also known as spaying and neutering surgery) is a surgery in which female cats have their ovaries and uterus removed or only their ovaries removed, while male cats have their testicles removed. Correctly speaking, spaying and neutering surgery is different from the sterilization surgery done for cats. The difference is that spaying and neutering surgery (blocking the fallopian tubes or vas deferens) is reversible, while sterilization surgery is irreversible because the entire reproductive system is removed. Is sterilization cruel to cats? For cats, sterilization surgery has both advantages and disadvantages, but whether it is cruel or not is not certain.
According to the Animal Protection Law, it is mandatory to sterilize cats. Cats that have not been neutered are prone to irritability, discomfort during heat cycles, and may even exhibit uncontrollable aggressive behavior, such as impulsively escaping from home, which is extremely dangerous. What should be considered before and after neutering? A comprehensive physical and blood examination should be conducted before neutering to ensure no issues arise during the surgery and anesthesia process. If the cat has had any previous health conditions, the veterinarian may recommend different imaging examinations to ensure the smooth progression of the surgery, such as X-rays, ultrasounds, etc. After neutering, it is important to pay attention to wound cleanliness and medication changes, avoid excessive exercise for the cat, and in households with multiple pets, proper isolation is necessary to prevent other pets from licking the cat’s wound, which could lead to secondary infection. Limited-time experience package, only 50 yuan, with free shipping coupon code, click to use. For the latest articles from Petdaddy: ‘Cat Body Language’ – Understanding 18 Types of Cat Body Language in 3 Seconds, dated 2023-02-03; ‘How to Prevent Cats from Fighting’ – Preventing Cat Fights + Essential Emergency Peacemaking Guide for Multi-Cat Households, dated 2023-01-26; ‘New Dog Owners Must Know’ – 7 Essential Items for Dog Care, Care Tips, and Necessary Knowledge, dated 2023-01-23; ‘What to Do If Your Cat Keeps Meowing’ – 3 Minutes to Understand the Reasons and How to Handle a Cat That Keeps Meowing, dated 2023-01-08; ‘Human Foods That Cats Can Eat’ – 20 Human Foods That Can Also Be Used for Cat Nutrition! Cats Eating These Foods Live Longer, dated 2022-12-24. Thank you all for watching. If you find the articles by the Zoo Director very useful, you can click the share button below to share on LINE, FB to everyone who needs information. Also, welcome to join the Cat and Dog Parents LINE discussion community to discuss pet experiences with 670 other pet parents.

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