
What fruits can’t dogs eat? A comprehensive list of 15 fruits dogs can’t and can eat.

Do pet parents usually pay attention to what food their dogs eat? Do you know that some common fruits are extremely poisonous to dogs? If you clicked on this article because your dog at home ate fruits and you are worried about what might happen, then the following is a list of fruits that dogs […]

What fruits can’t dogs eat? A comprehensive list of 15 fruits dogs can’t and can eat. Read More »

[Cat Fleas] How to Prevent and Eradicate? Flea Elimination Guidelines Troubling Both People and Cats and Dogs!

A patch of a cat’s fur is bald, red and swollen and inflamed. Does the cat keep scratching or over-licking its fur? Or do pet parents feel uncomfortable due to being bitten on the ankle? Be careful. There may be flea invasion at home! Fleas are a common external parasite, also known as cat fleas.

[Cat Fleas] How to Prevent and Eradicate? Flea Elimination Guidelines Troubling Both People and Cats and Dogs! Read More »

Comprehensive Guide to Cats and Dogs’ Parasites: Types, Prevention, and Tips to Avoid Human Infection

Cats and dogs are not only susceptible to hereditary and endocrine diseases but also to parasitic infections. Contrary to common misconceptions, parasitic infections are not due to poor hygiene habits or negligence on the part of pet parents but can occur despite all precautions. Parasites can inhabit our furry friends in unexpected ways. Therefore, it

Comprehensive Guide to Cats and Dogs’ Parasites: Types, Prevention, and Tips to Avoid Human Infection Read More »

Complete Introduction to Cat Grass and Catnip in 2022! Essential Knowledge for Cat Owners (Includes Planting Methods)

Many people are confused about what cat grass (wheatgrass) and catnip are, and what the differences between the two are. In fact, these are two distinct types of cat-friendly plants that you may not have seen with your own eyes, but as an avid researcher, you must be eager to learn about the differences between

Complete Introduction to Cat Grass and Catnip in 2022! Essential Knowledge for Cat Owners (Includes Planting Methods) Read More »

Ear Mites: Instantly Contagious! The Culprit Behind Red, Swollen, and Itchy Ears in Cats and Dogs! Common Symptoms + Complete Treatment Introduction

Is your cat or dog constantly scratching their ears, with dark brown or coffee-colored flakes in the ear canal? After cleaning, do they reappear shortly thereafter? Pet parents should be cautious, as this could indicate the presence of a parasite known as ‘ear mites’ in your pet’s ears. **Extended Reading**: Introduction and Prevention of 12

Ear Mites: Instantly Contagious! The Culprit Behind Red, Swollen, and Itchy Ears in Cats and Dogs! Common Symptoms + Complete Treatment Introduction Read More »

Complete Guide to Cat Neutering Process: When to Neuter, Pre and Post-Surgical Care, Costs, and Analysis of Pros and Cons

According to current animal protection laws, domestic cats must be neutered, and many loving pet parents regularly help stray cats with this procedure, highlighting the importance of neutering. However, cat parents may encounter several questions, such as: when should I take my cat for neutering, what to pay attention to before and after the surgery,

Complete Guide to Cat Neutering Process: When to Neuter, Pre and Post-Surgical Care, Costs, and Analysis of Pros and Cons Read More »

Understanding Feline Herpesvirus: Symptoms, Transmission, Treatment, and Prevention in 3 Minutes

Feline Herpesvirus: Essential Information for Cat Parents. This article, approximately 2000 words in length, is designed to be read in 3 minutes. If your newly adopted kitten is sneezing and has conjunctivitis, with discharge that needs to be cleaned frequently, and in severe cases, the eyes cannot be opened due to the presence of brownish

Understanding Feline Herpesvirus: Symptoms, Transmission, Treatment, and Prevention in 3 Minutes Read More »

Cat Health: Essential Nutritional Knowledge for Cat Lovers – A Comprehensive Guide to Taurine Supplementation!

Garden Keeper’s Reminder: Mobile readers can click on the link next to the URL to open the reader for a better reading experience. The full article is approximately 1500 words and should take about 3 minutes to read. OPEN Article Table of Contents Foreword How to Determine if My Cat Lacks Taurine? How Much Taurine

Cat Health: Essential Nutritional Knowledge for Cat Lovers – A Comprehensive Guide to Taurine Supplementation! Read More »