Green Lipped Mussels: A Safe Alternative to NSAIDs for Dogs

NSAIDs can be detrimental to your dog’s health, causing ulcers, liver and kidney damage, and even harming joint and soft tissues. While they reduce pain and inflammation, the risks are significant. Scientists are now exploring green lipped mussels as a safer alternative for dogs with arthritis pain.
Green lipped mussels, native to New Zealand, have been studied for their ability to provide joint support akin to NSAIDs without the harmful side effects. The Maori people, indigenous to New Zealand, have used green lipped mussels traditionally, and coastal Maori have lower rates of arthritis compared to their inland counterparts.

Green lipped mussels are natural COX inhibitors, similar to NSAIDs, which prevent the production of prostaglandins that increase inflammation. However, they differ in two key aspects:

1. Unlike NSAIDs, green lipped mussels contain LOX inhibitors that protect the stomach lining and liver from harm.

2. They not only reduce inflammation but also contribute to building healthier joints.

Green lipped mussels are rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), including chondroitin sulfate, a crucial supplement for dogs with arthritis. This GAG strengthens joint capsules, allowing them to hold more water and absorb shock, leading to less wear and tear on the joints.

When choosing green lipped mussel powders, be cautious as not all are created equal. Ensure you’re getting a high-quality product for your dog’s health and well-being.

Research indicates that green lipped mussels continue to provide joint health benefits to dogs even a month after discontinuation.

While green lipped mussels may take longer to act compared to NSAIDs, their safety makes the wait worthwhile. Unlike NSAIDs, which can destroy joint cartilage, green lipped mussels promote healthy cartilage growth.

Joint cartilage is crucial; it cushions the ends of long bones, nourishes the joint, and the joint capsule. Damage to this cartilage can lead to the jagged ends associated with arthritis, perpetuating a cycle of pain and inflammation.

Green lipped mussels, however, help build healthy cartilage, offering a stark contrast to NSAIDs. Additionally, they contain special fats that are important for dogs.

Early studies on green lipped mussels were disappointing due to the use of rejected meat, which lacked the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. The advent of freeze-drying in the 1980s improved the mussel’s efficacy by preserving these fatty acids.

The omega-3 fats, particularly EPA and DHA, are abundant in green lipped mussels and are known to reduce inflammation. Unlike fish oils, green lipped mussels are a sustainable and ocean-friendly source of these fatty acids.

It’s crucial to ensure that the green lipped mussel powder contains at least 6% fatty acids for effectiveness. Without these, the supplement would be virtually useless.

Green lipped mussels are also rich in vitamins and minerals, and freeze-drying helps retain these micronutrients.

A 2009 study assessed the effectiveness of green lipped mussel in dogs with moderate to severe arthritis, demonstrating its potential benefits.

Dogs were given green lipped mussel for 8 weeks and evaluated at 4, 8, and 12 weeks.

The initial dose was 20 to 49mg/kg/day and reduced to half after 10 days.

The green lipped mussels used in the trial averaged 5.9 to 9.3% fat.

Remember, without fat, green lipped mussels are unlikely to help with arthritis.

Dogs given green lipped mussel had significant improvement in pain and mobility compared to the placebo group.

Nearly 3/4 of the dogs taking green lipped mussels didn’t need additional pain meds.

Even though dogs stopped receiving green lipped mussels at 8 weeks, improvements in pain and mobility were still there at 12 weeks.

This isn’t the first study showing benefits of green lipped mussels for dogs. This study also showed significant improvement in arthritis.

A second study was poorly controlled and dogs in the placebo group were given other nutraceuticals.

A third study didn’t show much change as only 1/4 the amount of green lipped mussel was used.

In all three studies, there were no negative side effects for dogs taking green lipped mussel.

How Much Green Lipped Mussel Should Dogs Get?

Researchers have established a safe and effective dose for dogs.

In general, give your dog 20 to 49mg/kg of green lipped mussels daily and reduce to half dose after ten days.

The dose of green lipped mussel for dogs by weight is:

0-10 pounds: 200mg

11-25 pounds: 400mg

26-50 pounds: 800mg

51-75 pounds: 1,200mg

76+ pounds: 2,400mg

Remember to request a nutritional analysis of your dog’s green lipped mussels as you want to see at least 6% fat content.

Anything less and your dog likely won’t get much benefit.

Green lipped mussel products in a water base won’t be as effective as fatty acids will be missing.

Green lipped mussels and supplements containing them are great for preventing and managing arthritis in dogs.

Unlike NSAIDs, they take a few days to work.

You can also give your dog CBD (full spectrum hemp) oil for pain.

After the initial 10 days, most dogs do well without any need for pain control.

It’s time to get back to nature and stop unwanted side effects from drugs.

For dogs with joint pain, green lipped mussels are a great start!

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