Overgrooming in cats can be a sign of various medical issues, but often it persists even after veterinary checks. Many cat owners find that their pets continue to overgroom, leading to bald patches. This was the case with my cat, Aramis, whose excessive grooming was a sign of an underlying issue that vets struggled to diagnose. Over time, we discovered that allergies were likely the main culprit. If you’ve exhausted medical options and your cat’s stress levels seem normal, consider looking for allergens as a potential cause.
Identifying the source of a cat’s allergy can be challenging, but here are some areas to investigate:
Understanding when your cat overgrooms is crucial. Is it after washing your bedsheets, or during nighttime petting sessions? Identifying these patterns can help pinpoint potential allergens.
Common allergens include lotions, shampoos, cleaning products, and laundry detergents. Monitor when overgrooming worsens to uncover your cat’s specific allergen. Plants, such as grasses, trees, and flowers, can cause allergies in cats. Indoor cats can still be affected by pollen from outdoor plants. Observing seasonal changes in overgrooming can help identify plant-related allergens. If you suspect a plant is causing allergies, consider removing it and replacing it with a hypoallergenic alternative. Dust mites, molds, and mildew are also potential allergens. Maintain a clean environment for your cat, and regularly wash blankets in cat beds to prevent dust mite buildup. Regular vacuuming and using a dehumidifier can help control these allergens. If you’ve exhausted all possible allergen sources and your cat remains overgrooming, consult your vet for further advice. Anxiety could also be a cause, but if your cat appears healthy and unstressed, continue searching for allergens. Your Turn: Share your thoughts on cat overgrooming. Do you have tips, advice, or personal stories? What do you believe is the solution for cats that overgroom? Is it allergies or something else if the cat seems healthy? Any advice on finding allergens? Have you experienced allergens in your home that triggered allergies in your cats? We invite you to share your insights in the comments below.